Monday, April 27, 2009

Those Pesky Semicolons

Vocabulary Unit 12: New words, worksheet.
Bedford Handbook: read section on semicolons (p. 398-402) and did exercises on p. 403.
Topic proposal check and research time for Argument Essay #2.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Friday April 24

Vocabulary Unit 11 review with white boards.
Vocabulary Unit 11 Quiz.
Apples to Apples.

Thursday April 23

Finished Vocabulary Unit 11 Worksheets (5 points).
Argument Essay #2: Topic Proposal check.
Mellen Lab for research.

Thursday April 23

Finished Vocabulary Unit 11 Worksheets (5 points).
Argument Essay #2: Topic Proposal check.
Mellen Lab for research.

Wednesday April 22: NO CLASS

No class due to ACT testing.

Wednesday April 22: NO CLASS

No class due to ACT testing.

Tuesday Class Notes

Vocabulary 11: Worksheet Pt. 1-2.
Bedford Handbook: Unnecessary commas, p. 391-398 (exercises).
Discussed Pro/Con arguments for China ’s use of coal (BBC stats) and the NPR report on the strip search case before the Supreme Court today.
Argument Essay #2 topics due Thursday.