Sunday, March 8, 2009

Launching my Classroom Blog

Only yesterday, Teachers Rime, Belden, Martucci and Thiel cheated death, the intrepid Ms. Belden at the wheel, driving over tortuous, treacherous Wolf Creek Pass, on our way home from the Colorado Language Arts Society Spring Conference in Englewood, Colorado. Newly energized by leaders in our profession--like Jeff Wilhelm, Tom Romano, and Chris Tovani--by our colleagues in other districts, and by the hundreds of dollars worth of professional materials we acquired at the exhibit hall--materials purchased with our own money, I might add, since our Department budget is shot for the year--we discussed various and sundry ways we might attempt to bring our teaching methods into the twenty-first century.

Mrs. Rime observed, Why wait for next year to implement what we have learned into our classrooms? Why not start now? So here is my first attempt: creating a classroom blog. Even though we cannot access blogs from the school because of the filter, I will try maintaining it from my home computer.

Initially, I will try to duplicate my assignment binders so that students who miss my class can keep up with what we accomplished each day. Here we go!

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