Friday, March 20, 2009


Students edited their essay exams--well, except for our three students whose essays were lost in the cyberspace of bits and bytes in the Mellen lab. Funny story: I sent two of these students to the Library's brand new computers, only to have the computers reboot during the students' typing--again, losing EVERYTHING. It's enough to make one a Neo-Luddite! Yes, it's so disheartening when one attempts a twenty-first century innovation--such as using a word processing program to write an in-class essay exam, allowing students to compose their writing using state-of-the-art technology instead of antiquated paper and pencil--and it fails catastrophically. (Am I a fool for even attempting this?) Perhaps some Poltergeist or other supernatural force is responsible for this mayhem. Two irretrievable breakdowns in two days: go figure!
But I digress; the majority of students turned in their edited essays, while the abject minority will finish them over the weekend. And the Vocabulary Final Exam over Units 1-7 was a smashing success, all A's and B's from these superlatively motivated students.

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